We publish results, lessons, and insights from our work and partnerships in the form of briefs, toolkits, journal articles, and more. Browse our full library of resources and sort by topic.

Creating safe care: Supporting pregnant and parenting patients who use drugs
Complex Care Startup Toolkit
Implementing the complex care core competencies
Building the value case for complex care
Healthcare on wheels: How mobile clinics meet the complex health and social needs of patients
The keys to financially sustaining coordinated complex care strategies
Building the complex care field Strengthening ecosystems of care Funding & financing
Valued behavioral health outcomes in complex care
Data analysis & integration Behavioral health & addiction Measurement & evaluation
The Front Door Initiative: Connection, care coordination, and community collaboration
Care management & redesign Strengthening ecosystems of care SDOH & health equity Workforce development
Psychological safety: A prescription for more effective teams
Thriving and surviving after a medical diagnosis: Strategies for patients and providers
After incarceration: Providing team-based, recovery-focused support for people with substance use disorders leaving state prisons
Care management & redesign Strengthening ecosystems of care Behavioral health & addiction Legal & criminal justice
Optimizing outcomes for patients with chronic illnesses and disabilities
Care management & redesign Community & consumer engagement Policy & advocacy SDOH & health equity
Integrating community health workers into a safety net hospital system to address health inequities
Care management & redesign Strengthening ecosystems of care SDOH & health equity Workforce development
Navigating the complex needs of youth aging out of foster care: A care management organization’s approach
Care management & redesign Community & consumer engagement Strengthening ecosystems of care Legal & criminal justice Pregnancy & children
Working with medically complex children in foster care and their caregivers
Care management & redesign Strengthening ecosystems of care Legal & criminal justice Pregnancy & children
Addressing social and behavioral health through fully integrated, interdisciplinary care teams
Care management & redesign Behavioral health & addiction SDOH & health equity Workforce development
In pursuit of seamless integration: The East New York Health Hub
Care management & redesign Strengthening ecosystems of care Behavioral health & addiction
Transform your engagement practices
CHWs as community connectors and care team supervisors
Care management & redesign Community & consumer engagement Workforce development