We publish results, lessons, and insights from our work and partnerships in the form of briefs, toolkits, journal articles, and more. Browse our full library of resources and sort by topic.

Creating safe care: Supporting pregnant and parenting patients who use drugs
Complex Care Startup Toolkit
Implementing the complex care core competencies
Building the value case for complex care
Camden Coalition Medical-Legal Partnership: Year one analysis of civil + criminal MLP model in addiction medicine setting
Care management & redesign Strengthening ecosystems of care Behavioral health & addiction Legal & criminal justice Measurement & evaluation
The Camden Coalition care management program improved intermediate care coordination: A randomized controlled trial
Building the complex care field Data analysis & integration Measurement & evaluation Quality improvement
Hospital readmissions by variation in engagement in the healthcare hotspotting trial: A secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial
Care management & redesign Data analysis & integration Strengthening ecosystems of care Measurement & evaluation Quality improvement
Dosage and outcomes in a complex care intervention
Care management & redesign Data analysis & integration Measurement & evaluation Quality improvement
Estimating the workload of a multi-disciplinary care team using patient-level encounter histories
Care management & redesign Data analysis & integration Quality improvement Workforce development
Healthcare hotspotting: A randomized, controlled trial
Care management & redesign Measurement & evaluation Public benefits
Cross-sector collaboration for vulnerable population reduces utilization and strengthens community partnerships
Putting all the pieces back: Lessons from a health care-led jail reentry pilot
Care management & redesign Strengthening ecosystems of care Legal & criminal justice
Time and effort in care coordination for patients with complex health and social needs: Lessons from a community-based intervention
Care management & redesign Data analysis & integration Quality improvement Workforce development
The core of care management: The role of authentic relationships in caring for patients with frequent hospitalizations
Care management & redesign Measurement & evaluation Quality improvement Workforce development