We publish results, lessons, and insights from our work and partnerships in the form of briefs, toolkits, journal articles, and more. Browse our full library of resources and sort by topic.

Creating safe care: Supporting pregnant and parenting patients who use drugs
Complex Care Startup Toolkit
Implementing the complex care core competencies
Building the value case for complex care
Pledge to Connect implementation guide
A guide for behavioral health navigation from the emergency department to community-based care
Care management & redesign Strengthening ecosystems of care Behavioral health & addiction Data sharing Measurement & evaluation Quality improvement SDOH & health equity
CalAIM budget estimator tool
A budget template for community-based organizations considering CalAIM contracting
Building the complex care field Care management & redesign Strengthening ecosystems of care Funding & financing
Healthcare guide to contracting with community-based organizations (CBOs)
Building the complex care field Strengthening ecosystems of care Funding & financing SDOH & health equity Workforce development
Office-based addiction treatment: Sublocade access
New Jersey provider toolkit
Care management & redesign Strengthening ecosystems of care Behavioral health & addiction Quality improvement
Building partnerships with community members to advance public health
Tools, questions, and guidance to start a “community ambassador” program at your organization
Community & consumer engagement Strengthening ecosystems of care COVID response SDOH & health equity
Billing for office-based addiction treatment
New Jersey provider resource guide
Care management & redesign Behavioral health & addiction Funding & financing
Creating safe care: Supporting pregnant and parenting patients who use drugs
Care management & redesign Behavioral health & addiction Pregnancy & children
Talking about complex care: A guide for clear and effective communications
Developed by the Camden Coalition and the Center for Health Care Strategies with input from over 100 complex care stakeholders from across the country, this guide can help complex care stakeholders communicate the value of complex care to various audiences to advance the field.
Building the value case for complex care
Implementing the complex care core competencies
A toolkit to guide education and training.
Building the complex care field Education & training Workforce development
Guide: Talking to patients about the COVID-19 vaccines
A practical guide for establishing MAT programs in a primary care setting
Care management & redesign Behavioral health & addiction Quality improvement
Sample Data Sharing Agreements
Data analysis & integration Strengthening ecosystems of care Data sharing Legal & criminal justice Quality improvement