We publish results, lessons, and insights from our work and partnerships in the form of briefs, toolkits, journal articles, and more. Browse our full library of resources and sort by topic.

Creating safe care: Supporting pregnant and parenting patients who use drugs
Complex Care Startup Toolkit
Implementing the complex care core competencies
Building the value case for complex care
Meeting the moment: Sustaining and supporting person-centered care in immigrant communities
This webinar created a safe, open space for providers to support each other and begin building a network that spans sectors, states, and cultures in support of communities impacted by recent immigration sweeps.
Community & consumer engagement Strengthening ecosystems of care Convening Education & training Legal & criminal justice Policy & advocacy Public benefits Quality improvement
When clinicians become family caregivers
Physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who become family caregivers to their own family members often deal with complex situations. This webinar seeks to share strategies so caregivers can best support their loved ones.
Care management & redesign Strengthening ecosystems of care Education & training SDOH & health equity
The National Consumer Scholars
Since 2016, the National Consumer Scholars program has served as a network, learning resource, and development resource for people with lived experiences involved with national complex care work.
Building the complex care field Community & consumer engagement Education & training Quality improvement
Core competencies for complex care team leaders
The core competencies for complex care team leaders capture the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes for supervisors of complex care teams.
Building the complex care field Care management & redesign Education & training Workforce development
How do we measure strong and equitable ecosystems of care?
Building the complex care field Strengthening ecosystems of care Education & training Measurement & evaluation Quality improvement SDOH & health equity
The coaching quartet: A tool for reflective supervision
Building the complex care field Care management & redesign Education & training Workforce development
I do, we do, you do: An antidote to the fix-it framework
Care management & redesign Education & training Workforce development
Implementing the complex care core competencies
A toolkit to guide education and training.
Building the complex care field Education & training Workforce development
Complex care core competencies: Developing the frontline workforce
Building the complex care field Education & training Workforce development
Core competencies for frontline complex care providers
Building the complex care field Education & training Workforce development
Sample data sharing agreements
Data analysis & integration Strengthening ecosystems of care Data sharing Education & training Legal & criminal justice