
The coaching quartet: A tool for reflective supervision

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The RELATE framework, developed by the Camden Coalition, helps supervisors of frontline care team members to shift from a directive to a reflective supervision style. Reflective supervision helps reduce frustration and burnout among both supervisors and their staff. It also helps staff members build the skills they need to provide quality care for people with complex health and social needs.

This brief explores the “coaching quartet,” one of the tools within the RELATE framework that helps supervisors implement the principles and practices of reflective supervision.

The coaching quartet is designed to validate the strengths of the frontline staff member, draw attention to tangible or observable phenomena, reduce defensiveness, and push for deeper learning.

Looking for more training on implementing our RELATE framework? We hold regular online courses on RELATE, as well as on other key frameworks and competencies for complex care teams. Check out the Camden Coalition Learning Center or our courses page to learn more.

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