Camden Promise Neighborhoods

Data analysis & integration Strengthening ecosystems of care

The Camden Promise Neighborhood, based on Geoffrey Canada’s Harlem Children’s Zone model, is a comprehensive, “cradle to career” pipeline for the children living in the four contiguous Camden neighborhoods of Cooper Lanning, Bergen Square, and parts of Centerville and Liberty Park, and children attending schools in those neighborhoods (i.e., U.S. Wiggins College Preparatory Lab Family School, KIPP Cooper Norcross Lanning Square Primary, KIPP Cooper Norcross Lanning Square Middle, KIPP Cooper Norcross Whittier Middle School, and Camden High School). This accounts for nearly 14,500 individuals living and learning in these areas.

This five-year $30 million grant aims to build up social services around a community’s children and their families to ensure they have the support they need to succeed by addressing social determinants of health, using data-driven approach for building programs, and evaluating the impact to the community.

Lead by the Center for Family Services, this cross-sector team of partners and providers is invested in:

  • Remaining community-based and focused on local community needs;
  • Maximizing educational achievements for children;
  • Ensuring that each of the individual programs within the initiative is effective; and
  • Fostering strong links across programs to ensure smooth transitions and continuous services for families

The Camden Promise Neighborhood has offered an opportunity for the Camden Coalition to apply our integrated data capabilities to help solve some of the challenges identified in these communities. Through this initiative, we’re working to create a comprehensive case management platform to screen and assess children and families, refer them to the right services, and track their engagement and progress. We will also be able to use our linked administrative data to evaluate the program’s long-term outcomes and the collective impact of the Promise Neighborhoods partnerships.

Learn more about the Camden Promise Neighborhood on the Center for Family Services website.


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