We publish results, lessons, and insights from our work and partnerships in the form of briefs, toolkits, journal articles, and more. Browse our full library of resources and sort by topic.
Creating safe care: Supporting pregnant and parenting patients who use drugs
Complex Care Startup Toolkit
Implementing the complex care core competencies
Building the value case for complex care
Community resource referral platforms: Going from 1.0 to 2.0
Data analysis & integration Strengthening ecosystems of care SDOH & health equity
Increasing inclusion of people with lived experiences
Charting a path to measurement: Next steps in standardizing quality measures for complex care
Building the complex care field Data analysis & integration Measurement & evaluation
Engaging people with complex health and social needs in advocacy (and beyond!)
System-wide strategies for re-housing in the COVID-19 era
Care management & redesign Strengthening ecosystems of care COVID response Homelessness & housing
Quarantine hotels: Promising practices and resources
Care management & redesign Strengthening ecosystems of care COVID response Homelessness & housing
Insights from the social sector: A cross-sector response to health disparities in the COVID-19 pandemic
Care management & redesign Strengthening ecosystems of care COVID response SDOH & health equity
Complex care and the COVID-19 pandemic in rural and frontier environments
Care management & redesign Strengthening ecosystems of care COVID response
Immediate approaches for collaboration during the COVID-19 pandemic
Supporting complex care teams during the COVID-19 pandemic
Care management & redesign COVID response Workforce development
Unique impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals with complex health and social needs
Building the complex care field Care management & redesign COVID response
Using social needs screening and patient feedback for complex care
Care management & redesign Community & consumer engagement SDOH & health equity
Trauma-informed approaches in clinic and community settings
Office Hours: Open call for approaches supporting individuals with alcohol use disorder and other complex needs
Care management & redesign Strengthening ecosystems of care Behavioral health & addiction
What matters most in driving cross-sector partnerships for complex populations
Community & consumer engagement Strengthening ecosystems of care Legal & criminal justice