
2023 Reflections and the year ahead: A letter from the CEO

Strengthening ecosystems of care

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In the 2023 Letter from the CEO, Kathleen Noonan recounts major achievements from this past year as we’ve continued to strengthen our complex care ecosystem. Highlights from the year include:

  • New study printed in the January 8 edition of Health Affairs that shows that the Camden Core Model improved participants’ connection to primary care, specialty care, and durable medical equipment like wheelchairs and oxygen. Kathleen’s Health Affairs Forefront commentary discussed these new results and how these new finds are shaping care management programs.
  • The launch of the Complex Care Certificate, an online, self-paced curriculum that gives frontline providers of all disciplines a solid foundation in providing person-centered, team-based care.
  • New courses available on the Camden Coalition Learning Center including Whole-person care for people who use drugs and (soon to come) skills labs.
  • New Jersey Regional Health Hub model being highlighted in the White House’s US Playbook to Address Social Determinants of Health as an “innovation in action”.
  • Implementation of multiple statewide ecosystem strategies including the CalAIM initiative.
  • A successful 2023 Putting Care at the Center conference in Boston, MA highlighting the unique role complex care plays in behavioral health space.
  • And more…