LaKeesha Dumas
Amplify speaker profile
Areas of expertise: Mental health, addiction, peer support, behavioral health, consumer engagement, community engagement, systems integration, trauma-informed care, advocacy, and clinical care teams
Bio: LaKeesha Dumas was born and raised in Portland, OR where she has seen first-hand the gentrification, gang violence, drug epidemic, and trauma faced by her community. She currently works as the Office of Consumer Engagement Coordinator for Multnomah County, Oregon and has a wealth of knowledge through her work as well as her own lived experience in recovery from a substance abuse disorder and mental health challenges. Since being in recovery, she has worked tirelessly to help her community foster hope and connect with the appropriate resources to become healthier and overcome barriers to recovery. LaKeesha is certified by the State of Oregon as a Community Health Worker, Peer Wellness Specialist, Adult Addictions Peer Support Specialist, Adult Mental Health Peer Support Specialist, and Youth and Young Adult Peer Support Specialist. In her work, she helps to pave the way for more peers and people with lived experience to be at the tables where decisions are being made about consumers’ health and needs.
- Healthshare Board of Directors, 2020 – Present
- Chair of Traditional Health Worker’s Commission, 2014 – 2020
- Portland Committee on Community Engaged Policing, 2018 – 2019
- MetroPlus Association of Addiction Peer Professionals, 2018 – Present
- Regional Behavioral Health Collaborative- Communities of Color, 2019 – Present
- Peer Delivered Services Core Team, 2018 – Present
- Co-Director, Community Relations Black Resilience Fund, 6/2020 – Present
- Steering Committee Member of Oregon Recovers, 2018 – Present