
Mission and vision

The Camden Coalition’s mission

is to improve the health and well-being of people with complex needs by demonstrating and advancing equitable ecosystems of care.

Our vision

is transformed health and social systems that ensure every individual receives person-centered care rooted in authentic healing relationships.

The Camden Coalition’s work is informed by six core values.

Servant leadership — We support the growth and well-being of the people around us.

  • Be driven by mission
  • Show humility
  • Practice active listening for better understanding
  • Amplify the voices of staff, community, and stakeholders

Collaboration — We are open and honest in our engagement, internally and externally.

  • Learn from others and share knowledge
  • Acknowledge that everyone has something valuable to offer
  • Work together with others to achieve shared goals

Respect — We are moved to understand the unique contributions and experiences of every person.

  • Assume positive intent
  • Treat everyone in a considerate manner
  • Meet people where they are

Innovation — We recognize the risk of failure as a learning opportunity.

  • Embrace change
  • Be confident in taking risks
  • Develop and refine solutions in a spirit of continuous improvement

Data-driven approach — We use data to drive decision-making.

  • Be transparent even if it presents risk
  • Use meaningful data to tell a story that initiates change
  • Draw from lived experience of people and patients

Diversity and inclusion — We create a safe and equitable environment where everyone can contribute one’s authentic self.

  • Honor the inherent value of every individual’s unique story, experience, and perspective
  • Recognize the inequalities of power, privilege, and prejudice that shape our current systems
  • Address exclusionary and unjust practices