

Explaining the delta variant, breakthrough cases, and more

Care management & redesign COVID response

The COVID-19 pandemic is evolving quickly. With news of rapidly rising delta variant cases, breakthrough infections in vaccinated individuals, and an ongoing push to get as many people vaccinated as possible to stem the pandemic, it’s reasonable to be a little confused!

Our Medical Director Dr. Jubril Oyeyemi answered the top questions he’s heard from patients, friends, and family members in the videos below. Be sure to share them with people you know who may have questions about the COVID-19 pandemic or the vaccines.

Have more questions about COVID-19 for Dr. Jubril? Send your questions to [email protected]

What is the delta variant?

Why has the COVID-19 virus developed into multiple mutations and why are we paying attention to the new “delta variant”?. Watch Medical Director Dr. Jubril Oyeyemi’s explanation of the virus’s evolution and how getting vaccinated can help stop future mutations.

What do “breakthrough cases” mean for the COVID-19 vaccines?

With the news reporting “breakthrough” cases, some wonder if the vaccines are working. Dr. Jubril explains why breakthrough cases were expected and what they mean in the bigger picture of ending the pandemic.

Should I get vaccinated if I already had COVID-19?

Getting COVID-19 is not the same thing as getting the vaccine. Dr. Jubril discusses the reasons why receiving the COVID vaccine is still necessary even if an individual already had COVID, as well as the timeframe in which to make an appointment.

It’s safe to vaccinate kids 12 and up against COVID-19

The Pfizer vaccine has been approved for kids age 12 and older, yet some parents are still hesitant to get their kids vaccinated. Watch Dr. Jubril discuss the importance of encouraging the younger age groups to get the vaccine.

Johnson & Johnson vaccine safety update

There have been some rare side effects reported from the Johnson & Johnson vaccine — is it safe? Watch Dr. Jubril break down the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP): who makes up the committee and why they were so important in regards to the temporary pause in Johnson & Johnson vaccine distribution.