
Webinar recording

Beyond Cost and Utilization: Rethinking Evaluation Strategies for Complex Care Programs

Data analysis & integration Measurement & evaluation

This webinar, cosponsored by the Center for Health Care Strategies’ Complex Care Innovation Lab and the National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs (National Center), reviewed the merits and limitations of traditional complex care evaluation approaches, explored new ways to effectively evaluate these programs, and discussed the broader policy implications of evaluating complex care programs. This webinar was made possible by Kaiser Permanente Community Health.

As organizations and policymakers across the country seek to enhance care management programs for low-income individuals with complex medical and social needs, it is critical to identify which models are effective and are ready to be integrated into the broader healthcare delivery system. However, relying solely on cost and utilization to assess program effectiveness may overlook other positive impacts, such as improving quality of life, achieving housing stability, or generating savings to other public systems.

This webinar is part of a series on complex care, hosted by the Policy Committee of the National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs. The National Center’s Policy Committee works to identify and disseminate policy priorities and gaps relating to the emerging field of complex care.

Listen to the webinar here

Webinar date: April 9, 2018