
>“Consumers bring something special to the table”: Consumer leadership at the National Center


“Consumers bring something special to the table”: Consumer leadership at the National Center

As we work to coalesce the field of complex care, it is people with complex health and social needs who are best positioned to identify the changes we need: consumer leadership is therefore fundamental to the work of the National Center. In Camden, NJ, we are governed by a Community Advisory Committee and have effected […]

Community & consumer engagement Policy & advocacy

>Complex care-based strategies for state health reform


Complex care-based strategies for state health reform

The National Governors Association’s (NGA) Center for Best Practices has worked closely over the past few years with the Camden Coalition to develop a Complex Care Policy Academy to provide resources for states that want to improve their health care systems for people with complex health and social needs. The second Complex Care Policy Academy […]

Strengthening ecosystems of care Policy & advocacy