When clinicians become family caregivers

Physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who become family caregivers to their own family members often deal with complex situations. This webinar seeks to share strategies so caregivers can best support their loved ones.


Virtual 2 – 3 pm ET

Care management & redesign Strengthening ecosystems of care

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Physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who become family caregivers to their own family members are often uncertain about the limits of their role sharing observations and clinical ideas with their family member’s healthcare team.

In this interactive webinar, viewers will be introduced to Katherine Mahon of Crozer Family Medicine Residency, Kimberly McGuinness of Rutgers University School of Nursing, and Barry J. Jacobs of Health Management Associates.

The presenters will discuss the ideal role of these “clinician-caregivers” for supporting their loved one’s care without second-guessing their treating professionals. At this presentation’s end, participants should be able to describe the conflicted feelings of healthcare professionals who become family caregivers, define the ideal role of clinician-caregivers as part of the integrated care team, and list strategies for clinician-caregivers to partner with integrated care team members.


Katherine Mahon, M.D., Crozer Family Residency

Kimberly McGuinness, APN, Rutgers University School of Nursing

Barry J. Jacobs, Health Management Associates